Intellectual Property Rights – dustsilver

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Intellectual Property Rights

In the event of any concerns or complaints about possible violation of intellectual property rights please send us an email at, identifying with specificity the rights alleged to be violated and the accused product(s). 

The objective of this policy is to verify our approach to issues concerning disputes relating to trademark or copyright infringements. 

If you have seen a design on the DUSTSILVER website which you believe infringes your rights regarding a legitimately held trademark or copyright, please drop us a line at : with the following information:

1. The full address, contact name e-mail and telephone number, including business name related to the owner of the trademark/copyright in question.

2. Your trademark/copyright reference from the Information Commissioners Office (or other official trademark/copyright registration body).

3. Screenshot, JPG, PNG, URL, PDF of the trademark you own accompanied by the specific image(s) to which you are objecting on DUSTSILVER website and the explanation as to why you believe this is a breach of your trademark/copyright.

4. If the submission is not made by the trademark/copyright owner, please outline the relationship and authority granted to pursue any complaint.

Once we receive your notification of complaint customer services will investigate and respond in full within 10 days of the receipt of the complaint.

In matters where it is clear a customer of DUSTSILVER has acted without authority in the use of an image, design and/or copy we will take the following action: 

1. Remove the contentious content from the DUSTSILVER website.

2. Contact the customer and relay the specific details of the complaint and confirm that their details have been shared with the registered trademark/ copyright owner. We would recommend that the customer contact the trademark/copyright owner to resolve the dispute.

If our investigations warrant a variation from the above process DUSTSILVER reserves the right to proceed in such a manner best suited to resolve any dispute which may differ from the policy set out above.